- March 5: Housing Commission to consider 800 new homes with 31% affordable The Parkline/SRI proposal is coming before the Menlo Park Housing Commission on Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30pm. The proposal includes 800 new homes, including a diversity of housing options, within walking distance of public transit, parks, great public schools, and downtown. The Housing Commission will consider the Below Market Rate (BMR) housing agreement in the … Continue reading “March 5: Housing Commission to consider 800 new homes with 31% affordable “
- Menlo Park City Council advances downtown affordable housingMenlo Park City Council voted unanimously to take an important first step toward allowing new affordable homes downtown on city-owned parking lots on Tuesday, in a long meeting with over 100 public comments, split 50/50 between supporters and opponents. On Tuesday night, Council directed staff to release a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), inviting affordable and … Continue reading “Menlo Park City Council advances downtown affordable housing”
- Jan 14- City council to take next steps on affordable housing downtownOn January 14, the City Council plans to take the next steps to solicit proposals for affordable housing on city-owned parking lots downtown. This is a opportunity to help local workers, young families, teachers, seniors and others to live affordably in our community. The downtown location is central in city’s housing plan because it is … Continue reading “Jan 14- City council to take next steps on affordable housing downtown”
- Belle Haven residents and neighbors comment on region’s Transit 2050+ Connected Network PlanOn September 30, at the Belle Haven Community Campus, residents from Belle Haven and nearby communities in East Palo Alto, North Fair Oaks and Redwood City gathered to make the voices of people who depend on transit to be heard in the development of the region’s Transit 2050+ transportation plan. Developed by the Metropolitan Transportation … Continue reading “Belle Haven residents and neighbors comment on region’s Transit 2050+ Connected Network Plan”
- Menlo Together Ballot Measure EndorsementsMenlo Together coordinating committee has endorsements for local and state measures that impact our vision and values. Local Measures YES on Menlo Park Measure CC Menlo Park faces long term fiscal challenges due to loss of ongoing revenue from state and local sources. To partially fill the gap, Measure CC will increase our Transient Occupancy … Continue reading “Menlo Together Ballot Measure Endorsements”