March 5: Housing Commission to consider 800 new homes with 31% affordable 

The Parkline/SRI proposal is coming before the Menlo Park Housing Commission on Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30pm.  The proposal includes 800 new homes, including a diversity of housing options, within walking distance of public transit, parks, great public schools, and downtown. 

The Housing Commission will consider the Below Market Rate (BMR) housing agreement in the proposal.  Here is the staff report.

Here is a summary of the proposal as it relates to new affordable homes.

For context, the 64 acre SRI campus is currently closed to the public and is 100% office and R&D space.  The proposal consolidates office and R&D space and frees up land for publicly accessible bike and walking paths, small-scale retail, open space, and 800 new homes.

The proposal exceeds the city’s requirements for affordable homes by providing 15% inclusionary low-income affordable rentals AND donating 1.6 acres to a nonprofit housing partner who will develop 154 new affordable homes for lower-income households potentially including some with special housing needs.

The new homes are a mix of rental apartments, attached and detached townhomes, including 

  • 97 homes affordable to households earning up to 80% of area median incomes, evenly dispersed throughout the market rate homes
  • 154 homes affordable to households earning up to 60% of area median income integrated into the site, in a standalone building constructed and managed by a nonprofit housing developer.

Menlo Together supports the proposal.

To share your comments:

  • Send an email to every Housing Commissioner, Housing Manager Tim Wong, and City Council liaison Jeff Schmidt using this letter-writing tool.
  • Attend the Housing Commission meeting in person or virtually and make a public comment.

When: Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30pm
Arrillaga Recreation Center Oak Room
700 Alma St., Menlo Park, CA 94025

Or particpate remotely:
By Zoom
By: Phone: (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID# 865 4847 4804
Press *9 to raise hand to speak

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